When Is the Right Time to Do a Workout?


For us, there is no right or wrong time to do a workout. When and how you train is dependant on a variety of factors, so it’s important to take these into consideration when planning your workout!


1.      Your Meal Times


Meal times can have an impact on a workout, you may not want to train soon after eating as your body hasn’t had time to digest your food and so exercising could make you feel unwell. You may also not want to train when you haven’t eaten for a while, especially if you are not used to training on an empty stomach as this could potentially cause you to feel light headed/ dizzy or sick


2.      Your Schedule

We understand how challenging it can be to fit in workouts around family life, work and other commitments, that’s why it’s more important to try and find some time for exercise rather than worrying too much about when that is. Workouts don’t have to take an hour, even a quick 15-minute home workout is going to be beneficial so try to think about what works best for your schedule!


3.      How You Feel

You should always listen to your body when it comes to exercise, for example if you are feeling very tight in the shoulders and neck, it would be best to not do an upper body workout that day in case you pull or strain a muscle. Equally if you are feeling under the weather, overly tired or not 100% then it would be best to adapt your session and do something at a lower impact and intensity.



For us, it’s more important to think about what you do post workout, making sure you stretch, eating foods that help your body build and recover, resting time – remember that it’s not all about the exercise!


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