5 Ways to Balance the Mind and Body

Finding balance in life is not easy, we are often rushing around with a long list of things to do and we don’t leave space for the things that we need most. Balancing the body is about much more than exercise, it’s about giving yourself space and more importantly time to feel rested and clear your head. Here are out top 5 ways to create balance in life:

1. 10 minutes a day

The 10 minutes a day technique can actually be one of the hardest to stick to, even though it’s a very small amount of time out of our day, we struggle to be strict with ourselves and add it in to our schedule

10 minutes a day is about finding space in your mind and encouraging you to make time for the things that bring you happiness. For example, it could be 10 minutes to sit down with a book or watch something, 10 minutes to sit and have a cup of eta and rest, a quick 10 minute workout or a chat with a friend – all the things we want to make time for and don’t, when in reality we can all afford to take 10 minutes.

Try to take 10 minutes each day for something that would make you feel good.

2. Meditation

A technique that people often don’t connect with, meditation is a really powerful way to clear your mind and rebalance your thoughts. Meditation is not all about yoga, contrary to common beliefs, meditation is a practise that anyone can use in life and it comes in many different varieties.

Meditation could be you sitting quietly with your eyes closed and just acknowledging each of your thoughts and feelings, it could be going for a walk but taking time to notice the things around you and be appreciative, it could be using a journal to document what you are feeling – 5 minutes a day is a good way to acknowledge all the positive things that happened in your day, and let go of any negative energy and stress.

3. Exercise

Physical movement is one of the best ways to balance the body, especially if you feel that your day to day schedule leaves you feeling overloaded and tired, exercise can help to physically release stress and tension from the body as well as clearing your head.

Exercise is unique for everyone, we always suggest trying to mix and match your routine, getting a variety of movement each week means that your body isn’t overloaded and has a better balance.

4. Trying something new each month

We often resist changes to our routines, whilst it’s not wrong to enjoy exercising in a certain way, change is how we grow and learn more about our bodies, so we encourage you to try one new thing every month, this will give you more ways to rest and release your mind if you don’t feel up to what you normally do.

For example, you could try a yoga class to help relax and restore the body, you could use a sauna to help de-stress and release tension, maybe even just giving yourself a night off doing anything – whatever it is, try something new and you might find something that really works for you and your body.

5. Being outdoors

There’s a lot to be said for getting fresh air each day and being outside surrounded by nature. Taking time to go for a walk each week, to get out of the house especially if you work from home, and to appreciate what we have around us all contribute to better balance in our mind. Even if you get out for 5/10 minutes – it will give you a chance to switch off from everything

We also recommend switching your phone off – sometimes a break from the screen and some time with no interruptions can be very beneficial.


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