Get outdoors this Autumn!

Why it’s important to exercise in the fresh air this season…

With the temperature dropping it’s definitely getting harder to find motivation for completing workouts in the great outdoors! However, whilst we all are desperate to divert to the gym or a cozy studio, there are many benefits to continuing some form of exercise outdoors during the colder months.

1.Soaking up the sun

It may be a rare occurrence but the sun does show itself every now and then! And what better way to get your vitamin D hit than naturally?! Getting outside for a walk or run is a good way to ensure you are getting your daily dose of sunshine, especially when we will start spending more and more time indoors and the days get darker.

2. Fresh Air

As we start spending most of day indoors with the heating on, it’s important to remember how essential fresh air is for our bodies. Not only can fresh air improve our circulation and respiratory health, it can also boost your mood and energy! If you find your mood is low in the darker and colder months then you will find an extra appreciation for that hit of good clean air each day!

3. Circulation

There’s no doubt that as the weather gets cooler it’s hard to find motivation to go outside and move our body. However what we need to remember is that regular movement is essential for our circulation, which will help our body to function more efficiently. Try to get out for regular short walks each day to get your body moving, especially if your work at home or in an office where you are sat for a longer period of time.

For more information or advice, contact us and we’ll be happy to help!


New Season, New Start