The Link Between Exercise and Sleep

Ever wondered how you could get a better nights sleep? The key to unlocking those extra hours could be through movement…

Sleep can be a tricky thing. Sometimes, however hard we try, we just can’t drop off or stay asleep for more than a few hours, making it hard to function each day when you feel low on energy - but there is a link between exercise and sleep quality which could help improve your night!

Physical Activity and Sleep

Engaging in regular movement can help improve our sleep quality and help us get more rest. Low to moderate aerobic intensity exercise each day can help improve how easily we get to sleep and how long we stay asleep for.

Sleep Loss and Gym Progress

There is often a link between poor sleep quality and regression in the gym. If we lack sleep we often lack energy, this can mean we are unable to train at the desired level in the gym which can negatively impact our performance and results - particularly gains in our muscle mass and muscle quality.

Exercise Timing and Sleep Quality

Moderate intensity exercise such as fast/hill walking or cycling is more effective at improving sleep. Using exercise to unwind at the end of the day is also a good way to decompress the mind and body which should help you sleep better. Be mindful of what time of evening your train as your need to allow time for your body to cool down before settling down to sleep.

If you found this helpful and are interested in some more information that could help outside of the gym, check out these posts:

Maintaining Good Habits -

5 Steps To A Better Morning -


Improving Your Mindset


5 Ways To Prevent Injuries During Exercise