Sticking to New Year Goals

New Year, New Start. It’s always a good time to review where you are with your health, fitness and wellness and think about what you are looking for moving forward.

Whether you choose to create specific goals or resolutions, sometimes we find it hard after a few weeks to maintain them - so we’ve created some top tips to help you keep on the right track!

  1. Review Your Goal

    Sometimes the goals we set ourselves are a little over complicated and maybe we set the bar too high. The key to a good goal is to make sure that it is realistic, measurable and achievable and sometimes all we need to do is tweak it slightly. If you find you are struggling to keep on track, rather than get rid of it all together, simply make some adjustments - it doesn’t mean you have failed!

  2. Take time to think if it’s what you really want

    Often we set ourselves goals that are quite generic such as ‘lose weight’, ‘eat healthier’ , ‘do more cardio’ - but have you stopped and thought about whether these goals are what you want ? Maybe you do want to lose weight but also wold like to be more flexible, in which case your goal will be managed slightly differently. Have you picked a goal because everyone else has, we are all different and so need to think about our own schedules, targets and lifestyle.

3. Chat to someone for advice and support

One mistake we often make is that we try to do everything by ourselves instead of reaching out for some guidance. Sharing your goals with someone can mean that you are more accountable for achieving them and if you need some help or guidance, you can turn to them. Community makes a big difference with fitness!

Try out these tips and let us know if you found them helpful!


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