Managing The Heat This Summer

Struggling to beat to the heat? Here are 3 tips for coping with the high temperatures!

With temperatures climbing as high as they have in recent years, many of us have

been struggling with the heat. As such, we are giving you our top tips for coping with


1. Taper your training

This can vary depending on how you train and what your goals are, but to

summarise; reduce how hard / long you train for so that you aren’t pushing your body

whilst it is already struggling! Some examples could be:

  • Not pushing for a personal best on those heavy lifts

  • Doing shorter or slower runs if you are training for long distance events

  • Having more rest breaks and/or making them longer

2. Have cold showers or wet your hair with cold water

This method is a quick way to cool down for when you are really struggling, doing

these two things will cool you down VERY quickly and help to get rid of any sweat or

body odour that may have started.

Cold showers also have the added benefit of reducing your energy bills!

3. Don’t sit around in your sweaty gym clothes

On top of being unhygienic, sitting around in sweaty gym clothes means that you

aren’t clearing the toxins off of your skin and it can cause you to feel even worse,

creating a vicious (and sweaty) circle.

For those of you who don’t follow us on Instagram, we also posted some different tips on


A) If you have things to do outside, do them early to avoid the midday heat

B) Keep a water bottle with you at all times so that you can stay hydrated

C) Listen to your body, if you are feeling dizzy or sick then stop what you’re doing

Let us know if you try any of our tips and how they worked for you!


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