Get Ready For Ski Season

Ski Season is well and truly underway and if you’re planning to head to the slopes this year, check out our essential guide for preparing!

  1. Don’t underestimate the importance of strength and conditioning

Doing some strength work whether it’s at the gym or at home is essential for injury prevention when skiing. You could do this using a workout, a group class or an online programme to help get your muscles and joints ready.

2. Listen to your body

When you’re out on the slopes, make sure you listen to how your body is feeling, some days you will be able to ski longer and faster but there may be days where you need some extra recovery and rest time so make sure you treat your body well to maximise your time on the mountains!

3. Be conscious of any ongoing injuries

Previous injuries don’t have to stop you skiing but you should be mindful of them. If you have been recovering from a joint or muscle injury then you may need to modify the amount of time you ski for, which runs you choose or your speed to ensure you don’t cause more damage.

Want some ideas of how to prepare yourself for the slopes? Check out our last blog post “Conditioning Work For Runners!” as the tips and advice that we give in that post heavily overlap with this!


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Conditioning Work for Runners